Listing all modules from an Elixir/Erlang application
Given an application called :my_new_app
. The mix.exs
file would be something like this:
def project do
app: :my_new_app,
version: "1.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.10",
Now to list all modules that are part of this application one can run :application.get_key/2
like this:
iex> :application.get_key(:my_new_app, :modules)
{:ok, [MyNewApp, MyNewApp.MyNewModule, MyNewApp.Supervisor]}
How could this be useful?
Let's say you want to ensure that all modules have a corresponding test file:
test "test files exist" do
{:ok, modules} = :application.get_key(:my_new_app, :modules)
for module <- modules do
assert File.exists?("test/#{Macro.underscore(module)}_test.exs")
Application specification
This is not the only key defined as part of the application specification. To list everything :application.get_all_key/1
can be used.
More info about the application specification: here
Posted on July 05, 2020